Practice Expertise

Balance of Law

In order to earn this accreditation by the Board of Legal Specialization of the State Bar of California, an attorney must:

  • Pass a written examination focused solely on the legal specialty of family law
  • Practice family law continuously for at least five years, devoting at least 25 percent of the time given to the legal specialty
  • Demonstrate a broad-based and comprehensive experience in family law area based on completion of a variety of matters in the specialty area
  • Favorable peer review and evaluations by other attorneys and judges familiar with the attorney’s work in family law

Sense of Confidence

Hiring a family law attorney who is Certified Family Law Specialist, can give you the extra sense of confidence and trust, knowing that you are represented by someone who has the proven experience and expertise to handle all aspects of your family law matter.

Stephen Montagna is a Certified Family Specialist and one of the few attorneys in Solano County who carries this distinction.